Smoking Vs Vaping

Information on Smoking

A huge majority of people across the country constantly find themselves existing between two planes in which they smoke, and vehemently want to live a smoke-free lifestyle. Unfortunately, as of 2022, we still see a huge majority of smokers, and non-smokers, retain harmful misconceptions about vaping as a practice. Smoking tobacco leaves has been an accepted practice in many cultures throughout history, and nicotine has been a sought-after drug for many generations. The realities of smoking are well-documented and have been stringently researched since the negatives of smoking came to light in the 20th century. A huge consensus is that while people may smoke, the general public finds they unequivocally cannot trust tobacco companies because of their damaging products, and their duplicitous marketing that successfully (until their ban) made smoking seem more appealing to their healthy communities. Thankfully, the research conducted on the damaging effects of smoking is far-stretching and it’s a well-known social axiom that smoking is harmful; it can be comfortably said that everyone knows smoking is life-threatening. The UK, and many other countries, have implemented stringent hazard warnings that advise users about the dangers.

Smoking continues to be one of the most expensive habits that one can maintain, and some straightforward calculations show that a person who smokes a pack a day at a cost of around £15, will spend £5,475 a year. Unfortunately, a substantial majority of smokers are found to live in disadvantaged areas, so sadly, people who generate the least amount of capital across the globe will tend to spend more of what expandable income they do have on a habit that slowly but surely shortens their lifespan.

On top of this, smoking can affect your appearance and your environment. The effects of nicotine staining are empirically well documented, and most people will be able to tell when someone is an avid smoker just by looking at them, or the place they often smoke in.  External smoking costs can accumulate as prolonged staining issues will force people to pay through the nose to rectify issues as they become more rapidly damaged by tobacco. 

Out with the individual smoker, the external costs of smoking as a collective habit are hugely damaging. Disposed cigarette ends are and always have been a huge litter concern. Cigarette ends are very small and as a result, most feel that when they discard of a filter it’s not big enough to make a real impact. Unfortunately, these littered ends build up in certain areas and contribute to a concentration that damages the area and can affect wildlife. The healthcare costs caused by smoking are astronomical –  this is a well-known fact, and these figures have increased as smoking statistics have fluctuated over recent years. Socially speaking, the loss of physical activity and the death of loved ones because of smoking has contributed to a massive mental health emergency as well. Those who have lived in proximity to smokers have either endured problems associated with second-hand smoke or had to bear witness to a cherished loved one essentially dying before their eyes. This form of grief can affect any chakra of a person’s decision-making and has more than enough potential to bind an individual to a sense of dejection. Moreover, this can contribute to a vicious cycle in which those with immense sorrow find themselves finding solace in tobacco. Anyone who’s ever smoked knows that the efficacies of smoking are hard to part with, even when you know what it’s doing to you, and those around you. This is where vaping comes in.

Details on Vaping

While it may have only been brought into the mainstream in the 21st century, vaping is a modern solution that provides a medical substitute for tobacco addiction. Since the detrimental realities of smoking were originally published, ambitious people have worked to provide the public with a substitute that creates a healthier world. On the one hand, many people have had success with these solutions, and nicotine gum, nicotine patches, and other medications have helped people break away from tobacco. On the other hand, for many more people, smoking remains a gripping habit that’s perpetually difficult to split from. This cognitive dissonance is a concern that’s present in all addictions.

One thing that should be underlined about vaping to those who are either ambivalent or against vaping entirely, should know that the industry is constantly evolving. New technology is emerging, new advancements are being made and the priority – for reputable distributors and manufacturers – is always health. We find in most cases when we talk to people who are vehemently against vaping, they state that they feel a strong distrust for an industry that looks similar – from afar – to smoking. Criticism should never be treated with hostility, and we understand that these people are simply trying to look out for those around them. These claims should be countered with transparent Government-backed information that shows facts about the differences between the two practices. Vaping is around 95% healthier than smoking. The practice of vaping is quite new to the public and we encourage, above all else, that people who have habitually smoked should give vaping a try to help themselves and those around them.

A huge benefit to vaping is variation. Not only can you control how you vape, but vaping affords you the opportunity to control how much nicotine you consume instead of the flat rate of nicotine that’s found in cigarettes. The concentration of nicotine in tobacco is often deliberately very high to drive up usage. The ability to curve your concentration of nicotine gives you the power and those who may simply love the mere act of smoking are afforded the ability to use their hands in a smoking-like fashion without consuming any nicotine whatsoever.

We’ve heard on many occasions the misconception that vaping is just as, if not more expensive than tobacco. This is largely a flat misconception, and if you do the math, you’ll be able to properly budget your consumption. The average price ranges of vape paraphernalia vary, but evidence shows it’s still cheaper per year than consistent tobacco consumption. If we think about a hypothetical user who insists on using one or more disposable vape devices every day (rather than investing in a proper device that they can refill with e-liquid) would still save money by vaping rather than smoking. This would be an unwise financial decision, but the user would still save money as one daily disposable (which can deliver up to 600 puffs, roughly the same as 20 cigarettes) would cost around £5, so would incur a yearly cost of £1,825. This is an average saving of £3,650. Even if they were an extremely heavy nicotine consumer who used two disposables a day (the equivalent of 40 cigarettes a day), this would cost £3,650, so they would still shave off a third of their yearly tobacco budget.

Another misconception non-advocates might associate with vaping is the fact that some devices have been known to combust or malfunction. This is a real concern for some and can even steer them away from being in the proximity of any vaping paraphernalia. These misconceptions should be disputed by the fact that an immense majority of these unfortunate instances were instigated by the deliberate mutilation of vape paraphernalia. It’s important to remember that these devices have been constructed in a fashion that ensures the utmost safety of the user. Changes & modifications should never be made to devices. We firmly believe that vaping is the future of nicotine consumption, and that people should make the switch as soon as they can. We work tirelessly to make this process as seamless as possible, but unfortunately, some people remain on the fence. We hope this post will open up some minds to the differences, and start a dialogue that’ll help contribute to a healthier community and a more positive world.

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