Qual è la differenza tra fumo e vapore?

Vapour and smoke may look very similar, but they actually have quite different properties. Other than their visual appearance and (in most cases) the presence of nicotine, vapour and smoke have almost nothing in common.  

What is Smoke?  

When you smoke a cigarette, the smoke that is produced is a result of combustion or the burning of the cigarette itself and the materials it contains.  

When you burn something, the chemical composition changes dramatically.  

Smoke is made of lots of different substances and many of these substances are extremely harmful to inhale.  

What is Vapour?  

Vapour from vaping is different because when you vapourise a substance (e-liquid) you do alter its state. However, the vapour will contain the same molecules as the pre-vapourised substance.  

The vapour released by a vaping device is made of liquid particles – not solid, like the ones found in cigarette smoke – they don’t carry the same risks when inhaled.  

The Differences Between Smoke & Vapour

Lighting a cigarette will produce smoke whereas vapourising e-juice will produce vapour. There are a few specific ways in which these two substances are different from each other.  

They have different compositions: The only thing vapour and smoke have in common when it comes to their composition (in most cases) is nicotine. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals, many of which are harmful to inhale. In contrast, everything found in e-liquid vapour is safe to inhale.  

Vapour smells much better: The smells released from a cigarette can linger in a room for a long time. Vapour dissipates almost instantly along with its aroma. A lot of vapour will also smell like its flavour which smells much better than cigarette smoke.  

Smoke leaves a residue: Smoking indoors will eventually cause walls, ceilings and furniture to become stained yellow. This is because of the tar in the cigarettes. Smoke also contains other by-products that contribute to this staining, such as carbon monoxide. 

The difference between smoke and vapour is one of the biggest reasons why people decide to quit smoking.  

Not only is it a healthier alternative to satisfying nicotine cravings but it will improve the quality of day-to-day life at home, too!  

If you are a smoker looking for a better alternative, give vaping a try! We have a huge range of beginner vape kits on our website as well as plenty of guides to help you choose the perfect set-up.

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